Thursday, September 28, 2006

September 28, 2006

Just got home from work, ate, and relaxed for a bit. about ready to get playing. I brought some work home, but realized I cannot access the data I need. I sent myself a link to a website and it isnt working...either maintenance time or only accessible on the intranet...I have a feeling they are doing maintenance.

So, I thought that because I am having a hell of a time focusing, I would use this blog as my way to begin thinking poker. It has been really tough focusing on anything for me and I dont know what the problem is...but last night I could feel the difference. I felt the focus and the correct decisions were easy. I was struggling to even play the game I would envision in my mind. I saw myself in my head folding my A10s, but when I opened my eyes, there was a limp or a raise in front of me. Seriously weird shit! Thinking about it just helped me get in the mindset...i feel the brainwaves on!


Well, 0/2 in sngs so far. first one i was card dead and pushed AKs and lost a coin flip. played well that sng. next one i pushed prematurely. i want to document my mistakes until i get back to my game. amazingly, i am still alive in the $40k. My AA is taking a beating tonight...actually laid it down on the river too...crazy. updates to follow...

Ok, saw a dude call post flop with 55 after flopping all ive seen it all!

Man, i play pretty well, people get lucky, its bullshit. I get QQ, I raise 3.5xbb and he pushes with AQ and catches a fucking flush lol

I am going to just play one table until i get my game hurry.

These fuckin people are crazy, i pushed 98o on button and dude called me for almost all his chips with 78s...what the fuck

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