Wednesday, September 27, 2006

September 27, 2006

Well, i have disappeared for a while, and I havent been playing much poker. I won some to help pay for my car and tried to carry on the momentum, but just didnt have the focus. I played way too loose and careless...ended up giving a lot back this month. so, i havent played very much...i wanted to focus on my trading training, but work demands are taking priority and i need to focus there first. I have a solid thing going and need to take care of business...moreover, i am excited at my new opportunity at work.

so, i played a little tonight cuz i finally felt like i was ready. I felt focused and ready to play the game i knew needed to be played...i took 2nd in my only regular sng tonight...and played a very, very solid 2 MTTs. i battled in both all the way past the first break...i stole about 1500 in chips in both before the break and had about 5000+ in both without ever going to showdown. when I decided to make a stand, i got all in with JJ vs 22 and he caught a 2 on the flop. Hated to see it because i was playing good, solid, tight poker and it put me in a position to money...I feel like I am ready to concentrate on poker again!

I wanted to post one more time before bed. I am starting to get excited about playing poker again, so hopefully I will be at it and hope for a winning october. I want to start pulling money out soon, so i better start grinding. I am hoping to start taking money out every month at the new year, then gear up to qualify for the WSOP through satellites and freerolls. I will even play a few $250+ buy in tourneys to try to win a seat...thats the gameplan.

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