Friday, October 27, 2006

October 27, 2006

I cant get over how different my attitude is towards poker right now. Now I see why my game was break even at best over the past month or two. I took a very cavalier attitude towards the my lower limit sng game could never be -EV...could it? I mean, I used to to grind the $77s, how could I not dominate the $22s? well, its pretty simple stupid! You took an arrogant approach to playing and didnt give it your best effort.

So, now that I feel my mental focus is where it needs to be, i am so excited. I can feel the game coming to a previous post, i was thinking about how I havent come that far in my poker game, but now i might have to reconsider. this break really has opened my eyes and given me some perspective. I just got a bunch of books from party poker and I am ready to grow my roll and start expanding my game. now, i hope i can maintain this level enthusiasm and focus.

I cant wait to play this weekend. I never really have played a ton in a weekend...I am going to try to log 60-75 sngs this weekend. I will post periodic updates on my progress.

Side note here...I am seriously starting to put together a plan to move outta the country. Nothing too crazy, and its going to be a 10 year plan...but, here are my thoughts.

the more i see of this country, the more i want to escape. do i really see it being better anywhere else? Not really, but i definitely dont see it any worse. and, if i can live a more independent lifestyle at a fraction of the costs, while not being bombarded by the american media, i think that is definitely a step up.

My goal is to take some of my poker winnings and do two things with it. One - find other places to make some money online. there are tons of casino bonuses that you can clear and it is actually positive EV when you break it down - assuming the game is a fair one...and that might be a bad assumption.

Two - I would like to start some sort of internet business. It doesnt have to generate a lot of money, but it would be nice if it could net about $1k a month. outside of this country, that kind of money is pretty darn solid and might even be able to sustain that is something i am looking to develop so there is even less pressure on playing poker. regardless, i dont think i would even want to build a big business/internet business because then it would just become more work, feeding the greed, and defeating the purpose of getting out of the country. I am looking for a simpler life.

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