Friday, December 01, 2006

December 1, 2006

I keep trying to play more poker, but outside interests and demands are not allowing me to have the time to do it. I want to push myself, but then realize I am not playing my best game. I am usually tired and not able to play as well as I would like. I did play about 150 sngs this month. I think I can hit 200 and as soon as I get about $300 in rakeback, I am going to cash it out and get a new monitor to start 6-tabling.

I am grinding away. I dont want to set goals right now because poker is not my first priority. My goal is to play as much as I can and play well. I need to work on playing more when I am playing well, but often times I am tired and just want to go to bed...feeling good after a winning session. I know that if I continued to play and started to lose my winnings, I would not be able to sleep. right now, I just do what works for me. I had a marginally profitable month. I won a few hundred and made a little in rakeback...nothing spectacular. I would like to build my roll and play the $33+3 exclusively before I move up. Once I am able to move up to the $33+3s and start to build my roll at that level, I will start to investigate playing on Poker Stars. they do not have nearly as many intermediate levels, they dont have $30-something sngs.

I am being more realistic about poker. I know it's just a hobby right now, but if I can slowly build my roll again and learn to tolerate high volume play, then maybe it could become something more.

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