Monday, June 26, 2006

June 26, 2006

Tonight I went to the gym, came home and had dinner, cleaned up, played a set and took a 2nd and a 3rd and won $30 on the night. Just continuing to grind away with a set here and there and trying not to pull from my roll...i fronted a friend some money and transfered some more to another friend, so i ended up pulling over $250 from my roll after I pulled $750 for my car. I need to pull some more when its ready...but I still have 3425 in my roll and RB on its way at the end of the week...lookin sweet. Need to keep up the nice run and start 6 tabling.

My plan was to pull from my roll at $4k, but i already did for over $1k and need another $500 in the near after this latest round of stealing from my roll...its clear sailing all the way to $5k and a second monitor!

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