Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nice Weekend...

I played a solid session on Saturday, logging about 1200 hands and ending up a few bucks. I could tell I was pushing things a bit too much and started to take chances and gamble. I didn't get lucky and spewed quite a bit of cash. I could have had a nice day but donked off my profit.

Today, my big hands caught a lot of action. I had AA a few times and got action each time, the first time I opened and was reraised. I didnt know if I should reraise again, but i just called and flopped 4 aces. SHOULD HAVE RERAISED! :) I think I should be reraising AA preflop rather than just calling when I get popped. I got it all in with KK when UTG+1 opened and I reraised to $7, player to my left called and UTG+1 raises to $21, I instapush (a little worried about running into AA), player to my left folds and UTG+1 calls with QQ. He only had $25 behind, but I would have folded that if I were in his position. Player to my left folded AK and was a little ticked when the flop came with 2 aces.

So, my hands held up and my short session was a good one. I only played 3 tables and it seems like I do very, very well with a few tables open. I also made a VERY CONSCIOUS effort to only play solid hands. I didnt limp a lot from the SB and raised just about every time I entered the pot. I need to play more disciplined. Today, my hands finally got action and held up...beautiful when it works that way. Another thing I focused on today was avoiding the big meltdown and spewing off a stack. i had QQ early and had to let it go on the river after investing about $20 into the pot. I like the laydown a lot, but was a little ticked at the time. The river brought an A that also completed the flush draw...easy fold, but still dont like it. So, solid day all around...Let me upload my hands and see where I stand.

Only played 231 hands today.


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