Thursday, April 09, 2009

Time to play

My meeting got postponed and I am going to try to log a few hundred hands tonight. I really liked the way I played last night and am looking for a repeat performance. I was not trying to make things happen and just took what was given to me...going to be disciplined preflop and put myself in good situations.

Played a quick session. Felt so in control. I do my best to get into a relaxed mindset and try not to feel rushed. I think part of my issue over the weekend was I was too focused on my goals of playing a lot of hands and pushed things too hard. Tonight, I made a few nice calls and had one big hand where i flopped 2 pr, Ks and Qs. I got a dude all in when he called top pair all the way down with K2. :)

355 hands and up over a buy in...nice night!


I am taking tomorrow night off, at least I am planning on it and that leaves little time for me to get in another session before my next lesson. I wanted to provide a brief synopsis of where I stand. I started dabbling not even a month ago. I had a few hundred in my account and my goal was to grind the 50NL 6max games. I have done so successfully and am improving my game. I never felt this confident playing sngs. I am enjoying playing NL and my roll has gone up almost $1k in the past month. I havent played as many hands as I would have liked, but I also believe setting too ambitious goals leads to trying to push the action and playing too aggressively. I need to look at my poker experience as one long session. If I do not log enough hands this week, month, or even year, if I continue to plug away and remain profitable I will reach my goal eventually. I am very, very happy with my progress and I am going to cut a deal with my coach to hold off on any more sessions until I jump to the next buy in. The session are valuable, but I believe I will not need a lot of mentoring anymore until I reach at least 200NL. However, my next session I hope to learn how to maximize the value of each hand and maybe how to read marginal situations better. I also know that I need to be a bit more aggressive postflop and am beginning to feel when it is appropriate.

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