Friday, February 10, 2006

Friday 2/10/2006

Today is my Mom's brithday! Happy birthday MOM!

Just finished importing my hand histories into SNG Tracker. I had half a night's worth in there (8 sngs), for the first 5 hours of February, but then the laptop went down and I couldnt upload my hand histories. Now that I had a chance to get them updated, I got a chance to look at my first 9 days of February. Here are the vitals:

71 sngs
18% ROI
37% ITM

I have been pretty money late in tourneys lately, my ITM from the bubble % is sitting at 95% for the first 9 I guess that means I need to start getting deeper in the sngs and giving myself a chance to take advantage of the bubble advantage I have been enjoying this month.

I am taking tonight off. Just going to sit back and relax. Just finished uploading my hand histories from empire poker into SNG Tracker...not much, just 9 tourneys, but 5 cashes.

Going to set a goal for this weekend...I would like to play at least 40 sngs, shooting for 50.

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