Thursday, February 16, 2006

Thursday 2/16/2006

Party found a way to mess things up again. First, they kill the skins. Then, they change their rules so they will eliminate rakeback. I gotta figure out what this means for the game will change and stuff...and i just won abotu a grand over the past 3 nights...was locked in! Damn!!!

Started a set of 3 $11s on Empire and took a 1st and a 2nd. Thinking about trying out a few on Party Poker...not sure what I am getting myself in to.

Ok, just logged my first few sets on the NEW AND IMPROVED Party Poker. I am down 1 buy in, and I played horribly for about 3 of those buy ins, so not too bad. Should have been up about 45, but I got sucked out against heads up and took 2nd...not too much different, but not sure yet. Gonna fire up a few more after a short break.

2:00 Am and I am just finished up. I believe I played 16 sngs...cashed in all 4 of my final set, but two 2nds and two 3rds unfortunately. but up the new format isnt so bad...I think it might be good for me to adjust to a slightly different variation or game seems to translate and adapt...things are are falling just the right way...lets hope it continues.

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