Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Wednesday 2/1/2006

Just getting started...fired up my first sng. Thinking about some goals for February. I will post them later...


Well, things are just throwing me lately. Here is a typical shitty way I lose and bust out of sngs. I have AA with 6 people left, 900 chips. I push, get called by 2 people. I am called by AKo and A9s. I lose when the board reads 88995...just unreal.

Ok, so things got interesting later in the night. I got really pissed off after a decent downswing. I mean really pissed. A few good things...I was able to control my frustration pretty well. I decided to only play 2 sngs and to play those 2 sngs in sets. I think that is a big thing for me mentally...I need to play in sets. I was playing 2 tables and opening a new one when I busted out or won one. I think that is a situation where I do not do well. I need the small break between sets, the satisfaction of enjoying my win, a little time to digest, and it just adds a little structure. So, I think sets is imperative to my success. I played more aggressive a little earlier than usual. Pushed to pick up some blinds and kept my stack well above average. That allowed me to take a few chances, and therefore a few hits, survive and cash!! Later at night, when there were under 29k people playing on Party, I seem to do very well. I usually could cash in 1 of 2 and took down a 1st and 2nd along with a 3rd in my final 3 sets. I pretty much got back to even for the night after a terrible start, so I am very happy about last night. I think I identified some of my problems and really solidified the value of what I preach to myself. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good night...not sure if I will play bro is coming in from New Orleans and I have to get him from the airport at 11 tomorrow night.

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