Saturday, February 11, 2006

Saturday 2/11/2006

Getting started around 7:15 tonight. Just playing 2 $11s on Empire. Going to ease into the night with some low stress, low stakes sngs.

Played 3 $11s and took a first...just chillin...hopefully log some $55s later.

I have found there are quite a few nights where I am not feeling up to playing poker. But, I need to play and log a certain number per month. Previously, I had struggled to play 150 a month. Those days are behind me, but I am still finding it challenging to stay on pace to log 300+ a month. I need some more structure...and I am working on that. I am also spending a lot of time thinking about my side project. Great things are happening and hopefully in a month or two things will get going. The project became more complex, much better, but come complex. It also adds a different spin to the original plan...but one that allows me to open it up to the public, which excited me.

Anyway, I digress. What I wanted to say was that I have been logging $11 sngs on Empire when I havent been in the mood to play. I have had a lot of success on those and am trying to build my bankroll there. I would like to play smaller stakes there while my main income will be generated from the $55s on Party. Since I started dabbling on Empire again, my return has gone up on Party and have a sick return on Empire (over a tiny sample size.)

Bottom line, good things...I think a good game amazing project on the horizon...

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