Thursday, February 09, 2006

Thursday 2/9/2006

Today is my Grandpa's birthday, so I wish him a very happy birthday!

Just getting the start of my entry for Thursday going. I think I am playing much better lately. I liked how I finished out the night. I think I started out down 5 buy ins, so I came back from that. I think if I can sit down and be "on" from my first sng, that will be a big step for me. Usually by the time I start playing solid poker, I have just recovered from my donk-session and have pulled myself out of the hole. Need to concentrate on that for today!

Playing much better tonight. Had a rough stretch in the middle...started out addressing my weak play when I start my sessions. I had a 2nd in my first set (remember, 3-tabling), so was down juice. Took a 3rd in my 2nd set and was feeling ok. Then went about 0-7 and fired up a final set of 3. Hit 3 1sts on my last set to end up +$245 at its not even midnight!!! I know the 4-tablers call 4 firsts a grand slam, but I got my first as a 3-tabler!

Made some nice progress on a project I am working on...It is becoming more involved, but I think things are coming together. I have a small army of people working on this with me...not because I am paying them, but because they believe in the idea and believe it will produce enough to allow us to support ourselves. I surrounded myself with some bright people with exceptional talent, so to know I have their critical eyes looking at this project and still wanting to volunteer to make it happen...I am encouraged! Going to get to work...these people are night owls, so 2:45 AM is right in the middle of the workday!

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