Monday, January 09, 2006

Monday 1/9/2006

Not sure when I will be playing tonight. I have to run down to my other job after work for an hour. I like to get settled before I play. So, I am thinking I will get moving around 7:00 tonight. My goal is to play 5 nights this week. I have a friend moving to town and my brother will be in town in a few weeks, so I know my time this month might be a little tighter than usual. the goal for tonight is 8 sngs, shooting for 10+. I figure if I can manage 10+ on the nights I play, that will be perfect. It will put me well on my way towards my goal of over 200 sngs a month, and put me on pace for 400 sngs once I start to 4-table.

It is weird how poker becomes a job. But, it is like being self employed, so it is very easy to say, screw poker; I’m going to happy hour. Or forget poker, I have friends in town. Then, at the end of the month, you have 100 sngs and failed to make any of your goals. I am pretty disappointed in myself knowing the power of playing sngs and how much I would like to hit my numbers. I have always though about playing poker for a living and it wasn’t fame or money that keeps me focused; it has always been the freedom. I now realize there is no job out there that will offer me the type of freedom I want, unless I marry very well :) But seriously, the life of the anonymous, online, poker pro is fine with me. People pulling in 6 figures, cash where ever you decide to call your home for the week sounds pretty sweet. But, I need a running partner...someone to share the responsibility and help with the rough, in the immortal words of Jerry McGuire, "Whose comin' with me?"


Again, started slow. I played 11 sngs after starting pretty late. I have to admit, I did not feel that I was playing well. Results showed as I won myself $45, about half of what I would hope for. But, need to get away from results oriented thinking. I am happy to have logged another 11 sngs! That is the goal I should be most focused on.

I am starting to wonder if I need to tweak with my game. I am playing well on the bubble, but I am busting out early in a lot of the ones I don't cash in. I have a lot of 8th places. I do push some edges and have taken a few bad beats, but overall I think I am just playing a bit too loose in early levels. Luckily, most of my bad beats happen early and most of my suckouts happen ITM! Fine by me!

Couple mental notes from my session:
  1. There was some pretty awful bubble play on the $55s last night. Just awful.
  2. I played pretty poorly overall
  3. I tried to get away from the more mechanical style of play and tried to "play" a little more. I admit that it probably is not smart, but sometimes you can feel the game. I think I am going back to my old style. Quit messing with what works!
  4. Even though I think I played poorly, another winning night! Hit my goal of 8-10 sngs (Played 11)! Another successful night of grinding!

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