Thursday, January 05, 2006

Success...And More Success

Last night was a test for me. Not only did I log 17 sngs, I made $9! :)

OK, so my return was nothing to brag about. However, the number of sngs I played was! While 17 sngs is a few hours, or even 1 hour, of work for some sng players; this represents a big step. Sure, I have played 18-22 sngs in a day, but here is why I am excited:

This represents a terrible day of play and I still ended up making some money. The reason why I put so much emphasis on getting my numbers up is because I am currently 2-tabling. When I finally can 4-table effectively (never even tried it), I can log twice as many sngs in the same amount of time. So, if it took me 3 hours to log 8 sngs before, I could log a healthy 16 in that same time. So, hitting my first few monthly goals is going to be important. I believe by the end of February I will be able to buy myself a nice monitor to start 4-tabling. This should decrease my playing time and increase my returns. You find me another endeavor where you could honestly say this! Moreover, it will help decrease burn out. If I can comfortably play 250 sngs while 2-tabling, 400 sngs 4-tabling is a very attainable goal. Very, very good money can be made at this level. Netting a minimum of $2k this month is huge! Gotta keep plugging away!

Tonight after my day job, I am heading back to my old job to help them with their accounting. The nice thing is, if I can play my cards right, I will be doing their books on the side. This will defintely help my overall bankroll and help me make a little extra money. So, I will probably be home and ready to play by 7 I hope to get in a solid 8-10 sngs tonight, depending on how I am running.


It's 11:20 and I havent play 1 sng yet, I am dead tired, and I feel pretty good about it. I just started a new job, but I was able to keep my old job and work from home. I never wanted to leave, but I needed to move on. I enjoyed my time there and now i get to work 2 days a week, drop by the office, pick up my work, drop off what I've done, and thats it. PRETTY SWEET. Obviously not at the same salary, but I get to do what interests me while giving them a good value. Works out well...

So, that allows me a little less time for poker, but definitely plenty to meet all my goals. but, tonight, I take the night off and enjoy my windfall.

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