Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Tuesday 1/10/2006

I was looking at my spreadsheets and stats for December and realized that, once again, I am falling behind on my goals for the month. I am going to do everything I can this week to make up for the gap and try to get ahead. In a way, I feel like I am challenging myself. So, it is becoming fun to try to set a goal and attain it. I used to see posts on forums where people would play like 200, 300, or even 400 sngs in a few days. I never understood it, but now I see why. We are competitive and this sort of challenge brings out the gamer in us. Plus, if you can play 100 sngs in a weekend, even if you break even, the rakeback makes it worthwhile.

As I am sitting here thinking about my past few nights of play, I realize I have deviated from the formula that I have been using to successfully play and win at sngs. I think part of it is that my comfort level has changed. I am far more comfortable playing and in my playing abilities. When you start to play all the time, you recognize players and know their abilities. I often keep my eye on known multitablers and people with solid records & stats and have noticed that I am very successful against them.

I wanted to post a few hands from last night. I don't post hands much, so I thought I should start with a few that entertained me, and I will then start to post hands that challenge me.

I am in middle position with KQo. I raise to 3xbb and get one caller. Flop comes KQX, no flush possibility. I bet 2x min raise to see if he is interested and build the pot. He calls. Turn comes 10. I remember thinking, no way this joker has AJ, so I put out a pot sized bet. Next thing I know, I get reraised all in. I couldn't believe it...and how can I fold top 2 pair?? I talk myself into believing he has AK and I very reluctantly called. He shows AJ! RIVER QUEEN! So here is a good, bad beat story :) But, it is just proof to me that getting mixed up in pots with marginal hands is just plain dangerous. And, slowplaying anything but DA NUTS!! Is pure suicide!

Another hand that I have to post: There has been some crazy plays at this table, pushes to win 45 in blinds, pushes into 100 chip pots, you know, donk stuff. So, the table has been quite loose. I am on BB, blinds are 25/50 and there are 9 left. Min raise starts it off, 4 callers, and it is on me. I am sitting on the BB with AA..Heree is my thought process. AA does not play well in a multhanded pot and a medium sized raise, like to 300, would probably have a couple callers, so I push my 950 chips in the middle. Everyone folds. I was immediately yelled at by the worst player on the table..Telling me how he folded AK. Why would he yell at me for saving his butt? Moreover, why would he yell at me at all? I see it as a win/win for us both. I boosted my chipstack 50%, and pushed myself into 2nd place (pun intended) without ever seeing a showdown. For donk with the loud mouth, I saved him $55 in entry fees because he would have been busted and firing up another.

Sorry for the stupid hand posts, but I just needed to laugh. Hope you enjoyed it. I will be playing later tonight and updates to follow!


Finally a good start. I played tighter early and took a 1st and 3rd in my first 2 sngs. And this leads me to yet another roadblock that I need to overcome. Most times when I get 1st in one of my first 2 sngs and cash in the second, I would quit. Especially after having 2 session of grinding small profits, I should really be calling it quits for the night...I am going to shoot for 10 total tonight...

Big downswing after the hot start. My gut says I should have quit, but that isn't the correct way to think about it. But, in the meantime, while I am still in the bankroll building phase, I think I will quit when I am ahead again. Lets see how I can finish. I must admit, I want properly focused and played horribly...HORRIBLY. Need to stay disciplined, focused, and smart!

Ok, after dumping my money back with stupid, undisciplined play, I buckled down and finished 1st and 3rd again to temporarily end my night up $40. So, it could have been worse and I could have started out up $240 only to lose for the night. In the future, again until I start to 4-table or while I am building a bankroll, I will quit if I start the night with 2 cashes and at least 1 first.

Played 12 sngs, mostly because I busted quickly playing stupid. But, the good thing is that now that I play more regularly, I see the same people and my moments ofindiscretionn might reward me down the line.

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