Thursday, January 19, 2006

Thursday 1/19/2006

Had to work the second job today and decided to take a break from poker. Just a little tired and I have the whole weekend to play, so it isnt like I am going to miss out on it over the next few days. My play has been great and the results are showing it. I am getting excited because I can see how quickly you can move up a buy in and add a few more tables and next thing you know, you are making $5k a month. I hope to get there!!

I know this is a poker blog, but let's change subjects for a bit. To my friends that know me well, I am sportsbettor at heart. I just don't bet sports anymore because I am trying to make money, have some other interest, but most importantly, I lose my money. I can pick games pretty decently, but I just can't find a way to make it profitable. The old unit betting is just too slow for me and $$ on each unit just bore me. So, making any real money sportsbetting is just something I do not have the passion or discipline for.

But, back to sportsbetting. A few friends and I have just bought a domain and are working on a project...I will let you all know when it will be ready for everyone, but I am excited to test it out. I think I can be operational within a few weeks and tested within a few months...Exciting times ahead everyone...

this is the end of my 5th week blogging! Woo hoo

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